Sunday 3 July 2011


La palabra de hoy es: 'lechuga' = lettuce

In Spanish, 'lechuga' is a feminine noun of Latin origin which means an orchard grown plant, originally from India, with green, juicy and edible leafs, commonly used in salads, i.e. a lettuce.

The Spanish noun 'lechuga' is used in some common expressions, such as:
  • Lechuga romana (cos lettuce)
  • Lechuga silvestre (wild lettuce)
  • Estar fresco como una lechuga (to be fresh as a daisy) 
  • Ser más fresco que una lechuga (to be cheeky/ to have a lot of nerve)

Examples of the use of the noun 'lechuga' are:
  • Me gusta la lechuga en ensaladas (I like lettuce in salads)
  • Llegué fresco como una lechuga (I arrived fresh as a daisy-Male speaking)
  • Llegué fresca como una lechuga (I arrived fresh as a daisy-Female speaking)
  • Pedro es más fresco que una lechuga (Pedro has a lot of nerve)
  • Ana es más fresca que una lechuga (Ana has a lot of nerve) loves the word 'lechuga' in the YouTube clipActivitas vestidas con hojas de lechuga celebran Día Sin Carne
More on the word 'lechuga', visit: Lechuga

*NB 'Click' on the speaker icon next to the word “lechuga” in the link to hear the word pronounced.

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