Sunday 4 December 2011

Tell Me What You Did...

Imagine you are talking to a relative, a friend or a colleague. Maybe you are talking about activities in general. Perhaps you are talking about what you have been up to recently. Your relative, friend or colleague wants an update on what you did yesterday. As a prompt, he/ she decides to say to you something like: "tell me what you did yesterday"

He/ she could choose to be less formal and say:
Cuéntame lo que hiciste ayer.

Alternatively, he/ she could choose to be a little bit more formal and say:
Cuénteme lo que hizo (usted) ayer.


You DO NOT need be concerned about the degree of formality in what the other person says. Whether the other person uses the more/ less formal question is irrelevant to your choice of answer.

Your answer depends only on what you want to say about what you did yesterday. There are many things you could say about what you did yesterday. Maybe you want to choose one or more of the following options:
  • You did nothing.
  • You did one thing.
  • You did several things (outlined in chronological order).

Here are some examples which deal with those basic possibilities:
  • Ayer no hice nada que valga la pena contar (yesterday I did nothing worth telling).
  • Ayer trabajé todo el día sin parar (yesterday I worked all day non stop).
  • Primero hice los deberes de español, luego fui de compras, después fui a tomar algo y por último regresé a casa en taxi (first I did my Spanish homework, then I went shopping, I then went for a drink and lastly I returned home by taxi).

Now you should practice answering the question:
Cuéntame lo que hiciste ayer.

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Margaret M said...

Ayer escribi en este blog pero parece que no me está contando mis visitas.

Unknown said...

Creo que tienes que iniciar una sesión para que tu visita cuente...