Tuesday 3 January 2012

What Is Your Family Like?


This post deals with describing peoplefamily.


Imagine you are talking to a friend or a work colleague. You are talking about family/ relatives. The other person wants to know about your family and says to you "what is your family like?". 

The other person could choose to be less formal and say:
¿Cómo es tu familia?

Alternatively, he/ she could choose to be more formal and say:
¿Cómo es su familia?


Answering that question should be quite straight forward. You should NOT need to consider more formal or less formal replies. Just say something about your family.

Perhaps you want to:
  • Give a general description of your family
  • Give your marital status
  • Describe your husband/wife/ partner
  • Give the number of children you have
  • Describe each one of your children
  • Describe some other relatives

Here are some examples of what you could say about your family:
  • Somos una familia numerosa  (we are a large family-many children).
  • Somos una familia muy extensa (we are a large family-many relatives).
  • Mi familia no es una familia muy acomodada  (my family is not a very well off/ wealthy family).
  • Mi familia es una familia muy unida (my family is a very close-knit family).
  • Estoy soltero (I am single -male speaking).
  • Estoy casado (I am married-male speaking).
  • Estoy separado (I am separated -male speaking).
  • Estoy divorciado (I am divorced-male speaking).
  • Estoy soltera (I am single -female speaking)
  • Estoy casada (I am married -female speaking)
  • Estoy separada (I am separated -female speaking)
  • Estoy divorciada (I am divorced-female speaking)
  • Mi marido es alto, delgado (my husband is tall, thin)
  • Mi mujer es alta, delgada (my wife is tall, thin)
  • Mi marido tiene treinta y cinco años (my husband is 35 years old).
  • Mi mujer tiene treinta y cinco años (my wife is 35 years old).
  • Mi compañero tiene el pelo largo y rizado (my partner -male has long curly hair)
  • Mi compañera tiene el pelo largo y rizado (my partner -female has long curly hair)
  • Tengo dos hijos, un niño y una niña (I have two children, a boy and a girl).
  • Mis hijos se llaman Carlos y Ana (my children's names are Carlos and Ana).
  • Mi hijo Carlos tiene ocho años (my son Carlos is 8 years old).
  • Mi hija Ana tiene siete años (my daughter Ana is 7 years old) .
  • Mi cuñado es inglés y tiene el pelo rubio (my brother in law is English and has blond hair).
  • Mi cuñada es inglesa y tiene el pelo rubio (my sister in law is English and has blond hair).
  • Mi padre es mexicano y habla español e inglés (my father is Mexican and speaks Spanish and English).
  • Mi madre es mexicana y habla español e inglés (my mother is Mexican and speaks Spanish and English).
  • Mi yerno es alto y guapo (my son in law is tall and handsome).
  • Mi nuera es alta y guapa (my daughter in law is tall and pretty).
  • Mi primo Antonio es muy joven (my cousin Antonio is very young).
  • Mi prima Clara es muy joven (my cousin Clara is very young).
  • Mi tío Luís lleva gafas (my uncle Luís wears glasses).
  • Mi tía Lucía lleva gafas (my aunt Lucía wears glasses).
  • Mi abuelo está jubilado (my granddad is retired).
  • Mi abuela está jubilada (my gran is retired).
  • Mi hermano es bajo y un poco gordo  (my brother is short and a little fat).
  • Mi hermana es baja y un poco gorda (my sister is short and a little fat).


Please note that some answers depend on your gender (male or female).

See further practical examples of describing places/ people/ etc.

Now you should practise answering the question:
¿Cómo es tu familia?

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1 comment:

Margaret M said...

Mi familia es muy separada y vivimos por todas partes del mundo