Thursday 24 May 2012

How Much Is The Bill?

Imagine you are in a bar somewhere in Spain with a group of relatives, friends or colleagues. You have had some food and drinks. You have asked for the bill and the waiter has given it to you. Someone from your group wants to know how much it is and says to you something like: "how much is the bill?"

In Spanish, the other person could choose to say:
¿Cuánto es la cuenta?

The question is an invitation for you to state how much the bill is. You don't need to be concerned about anything else, other than saying how much the bill was. Basically, the bill could be either:
  • A round figure in Euros;
  • An amount consisting of Euros and cents;

Here are some examples of how you could reply, which deal with a variety of possible situations:
  • Es un euro (it is one Euro);
  • Es un euro veinticinco (it is 1.25 Euros);
  • Son veintiséis euros (it is 26 Euros);
  • Son veintiocho euros treina y cinco céntimos (it is 28.35 Euros);

Now you should practice answering the question:
¿Cuánto es la cuenta?

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1 comment:

Margaret M said...

Seguro que será mas de cien euros porque somos muchos y hemos comido y bebido mucho.