Monday 26 November 2012

Are Those Wooden Blinds?

Imagine you are talking to a relative, a friend or colleague. You are in your home and talking about decorations/ furnishings. The other person points to the window blinds and says to you something like: "are those wooden blinds?"

In Spanish, the other person would more likely say:
¿Esas persianas son de madera?

The question refers to a feminine multiple item word and is a straightforward invitation for you to state if those items, the blinds in question are wooden blinds. The answer could be a simple yes/ no. However, you could easily be more informative with very little additional effort.

Have a look at some examples of how you could reply:
  • Sí, estas persianas son de madera (yes, these are wooden blinds);
  • No, estas persianas no son de madera (no, these are not wooden blinds);
  • No, estas persianas no son de madera, son de plástico (no, these are not wooden blinds, they are plastic blinds);

Now you should practise answering the question:
¿Esas persianas son de madera?

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