Monday 12 November 2012


Today's WOTD is: "medio" = middle

1. In Spanish, “medio” is a masculine noun of Latin origin which means middle.

2. The plural form of the noun, “medios” is commonly used to refer to:
  • Means/ resources (see expressions and examples below);
  • Sphere/ field/ circles (see expressions and examples below);

3. The Spanish word “medio”may also be used in sports, especially in football/ soccer, to refer to a midfield player.

4. In Spanish, “medio” may also be used as a masculine describing word/ adjective, with “media”* being its feminine form. The main meaning of medio”/ “media is half.

5. Some expressions with the words “medio”/ “media” are:
  • A media mañana (in mid morning);
  • A media tarde (in mid afternoon);
  • A medianoche (at midnight);
  • A medias ('fifty-fifty');
  • A medias (half done... or perfunctorily completed);
  • A medio camino (half way there);
  • A medio plazo (in the medium term);
  • A medio hacer* (half done);
  • Ciudadano medio** (average citizen/ person);
  • Clase media (middle class);
  • Corto de medios (short on resources/ money/ etc.);
  • Dar(se) media vuelta (to turn on one's heels);
  • De por medio (in the middle/ in the way);
  • En medio de (in the middle of);
  • En medios (in the sphere of/ in the field of);
  • Hora y media (an hour and a half);
  • Media águila (gold Mexican coin);
  • Media hora (half an hour);
  • Media luna (half moon/ crescent);
  • Media Luna Roja (Red Crescent);
  • Media manzana (half an apple);
  • Media naranja (half an orange... but Mr Right/ ideal woman);
  • Medianoche (midnight);
  • Media pensión (half board);
  • Media vuelta (about-turn/ about-face);
  • Medio ambiente (the environment);
  • Medio campo (midfield);
  • Medio de comunicación (a media channel- newspaper/ radio/ TV station);
  • Medio fondo (middle distance/ middle distance runner);
  • Medio hecho* (half done);
  • Medio kilo (half a kilo);
  • Medio litro (half a litre);
  • Medio mundo*** (lots of people/ almost everybody);
  • Medios de comunicación (the media);
  • Por medio de (by means of/ through);
  • Quitar de en medio (to remove... usually an obstacle);
  • Quitarse de en medio (to move out of the way);
  • Temperatura media (average temperature);
  • Y media (half past the hour- in time expressions)
*NB This expression is also often used with the verb “hacer” being replaced by other verbs. for example, “vestir”.
**NB This expression is also often used with the word “ciudadano” being replaced by the name of a specific nationality/ etc. for example, “el español medio”, the average Spaniard.
***NB This expression is also often used with the word “mundo” being replaced by the name of a specific country/ region/ city/ etc., for example, “medio Madrid”.

6 .Some examples of the use of the word "medio" are:
  • Salimos de casa a media mañana (we left the house in mid morning);
  • Salimos de casa a media tarde (we left the house in mid afternoon);
  • Salimos de casa a medianoche (we left the house at midnight);
  • ¿Vamos a medias? (shall we go 'fifty-fifty'?);
  • Los deberes han quedado a medias (the homework is half done);
  • Nos quedamos a medio camino (we stopped half way there);
  • A medio plazo, la solución es fácil (there is an easy medium term solution);
  • Estoy a medio vestir (I am half naked/ half dressed);
  • Estoy medio vestido (I am half naked/ half dressed)
  • El ciudadano medio se interesa por la seguridad (the average citizen is concerned about security);
  • Esa es una familia de clase media (that is a middle class family);
  • Nos encontramos muy cortos de medios (we are very low on funds/ short of money);
  • Pedro se dio media vuelta y se fue (Pedro turned on his heels and left);
  • No podemos hacerlo, tenemos muchos problemas de por medio (we can't do it, we have lots of problems in the/ our way);
  • Estamos en medio de la calle (we are in the middle of the road);
  • En medios políticos se habla mucho de ese tema (that is the topic of conversation in political circles/ the sphere of politics/ the field of politics);
  • Tenemos previsto llegar dentro de hora y media (we expect to arrive in one and a half hours time);
  • Tenemos previsto llegar dentro de media hora (we expect to arrive in half an hour);
  • Algunos paises usan la media luna como símbolo en sus banderas (the crescent moon is used as a symbol in some countries' flags);
  • El Movimiento de la Cruz Roja y la Media Luna Roja realiza una labor humanitaria (the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement performs humanitarian duities);
  • Sólo pude comerme media manzana (I could only eat half an apple);
  • Ann ha encontrado su media naranja (Ann has found her Mr. Right);
  • Estamos alojados en régimen de media pensión (we are staying on a half board package);
  • ¡Media vuelta, ar*! (about-turn!/ about-face!- military commands);
  • Debemos cuidar el medio ambiente (we ought to look after the environment);
  • Ese es un buen jugador de medio campo (that is a good midfield player);
  • El presidente concedió una entrevista a un medio de comunicación español (the president gave an interview to a Spanish paper/ TV channel/ etc.);
  • Todos los medios de comunicación se hicieron eco de esa noticia (that news item appeared in al the media);
  • El rey del medio fondo dice adios al atletismo (the king of middledistance running says goodbye to athletics);
  • Medio kilo de azúcar (half a kilo of sugar);
  • Medio litro de leche (half a kilo of milk);
  • Eso lo sabe medio mundo (almost everybody knows that);
  • Lo conseguimos por medio de un amigo (we got it through a friend);
  • Hay que quitar las sillas de en medio (the chairs need to be moved out of the way);
  • Me quito de en medio para no molestar (I move out of the way in order not to disturb);
  • Veinticinco grados es la temperatura media (25 degrees is the average temperature);
  • Es la una y media (it is half past one);
  • Son las cuatro y media (it is half past four);
  • ¿Quedamos a la una y media? (shall we meet at half past one);
  • ¿Quedamos a las cuatro y media? (shall we meet at half past four);
*NB In some parts, the command in Spanish is: “¡Media vuelta, ya! loves the word "medio" in the YouTube clip: Medios de comunicación masivos

For more on the word "medio", visit: Medio

*NB 'Click' on the speaker icon next to the word “medio” in the link to hear the word pronounced.

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